Friday, August 15, 2008

My Trip to Kansas City

My My! have I a treasure chest of news or what!

Ok I guess you want to know whats up this

time. I had this great trip to Kansas City that I couldn't wait to tell you about! I can't even start

to wonder what I should tell you about first! Well I should start at the beginning which is

getting to Kansas City. First I should tell you that we went to Kansas City with my home school

group. We caravaned the whole way there. when we got there we went to

The Steamboat Arabia which is a museum about a steamboat called the Arabia that sunk in the Missouri river in the 1850's. In the 1980's some guys decided to find the Arabia and its

lost belongings. They found the Arabia and its belongings and created a museum. Then we went to Science City which is a museum that has hands on ways to learn about science it was great!

After that we went to the hotel and found our rooms. Then we went to a restaurant and ate.

In the morning we went to Crown Center which is a oversized mall. We went to the Hallmark

Visitors Center and learned things we would have never known about Hallmark unless we had gone there. It was awsome! Then we traveld a ways into Kansas and went to the Emporia Zoo.

We saw loads of animals! After that we travled home. Here are some pictures!

Yours Truely,


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